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Amanda Beck

Amanda Beck

Hello! My name is Amanda Beck, and I’m a sophomore English Literature major and Public Relations/Music minor in the Honors College. I’m so excited for the opportunity to grow alongside freshmen Honors students this year as they dive into the world of Human Situation.

Human Sit encourages excellence in writing and knowledge of authorship, but its true purpose is rooted in allowing students to discover the links in literature about the identity of humanity. This course encouraged me to critically analyze literature and pursue focused thought, but it also altered my perspective about the world around me. Because of the instruction I received from both my professors and the Fellows, I feel confident in my abilities as an effective communicator within my field. I can’t wait to give that experience to other students this year!

When I’m not working with the Fellows, I’m juggling all my passions for service and the arts. I work as a Communications Coordinator for the UH Bonner Leadership program, a service learning program housed within the Honors community. Between grant-writing, fundraising, and building gardens in the Third Ward, Bonner definitely satisfies my heart for service. In addition to my work with Bonner, I’m an arts nerd. I’m a music student at the Moores School of Music, where I sing in the Concert Women’s Chorus and season operas.

If you don’t see me belting show tunes on-campus, I’m pursuing my love of music and theatre off-site. As a classical pianist of thirteen years, I teach piano at my private piano studio. Because of my love for the stage, I also serve as a four-year intern for the A.D. Players, a non-profit theatre company in Houston.

I’m an avid lover of tap-dancing, sunflowers, coffee, and conversation, and I’m excited to explore the world of Human Sit again!